Consciousness can cure Restless, upset easy to dry, insomnia and dreaminess, palpitation and shortness of breath, sweating embolism.
意识可以治愈不宁,心烦易干,失眠多梦,心悸,气短,出汗栓塞。One hospital director disagrees. "To me, we play God all the time, trying to avoid illness, " he says.
一位医院的院长表示了不同的看法,他说:“就我本人而言,我们一直扮演着上帝的角色,努力治愈疾病。”The advertisers want you to read the word 'fights' and think that the toothpastes cures bad breath, but it does not say that!
广告商想要你看到“挑战”这个词,并认为这种牙膏能够治愈口臭,但广告上其实并没有这样说。Think of the scientist trying to cure cancer who sacrifices leisure and relationships in favor of time spent in the laboratory.
想想那些试着治愈癌症的科学家,他们牺牲了休闲和社交时间而泡在实验室里。MM: As a child I always painted my toenails, but I had a terrible fingernail biting habit that I couldn't seem to cure.
MM:当我还是个孩子的时候,我经常会涂抹我脚上的指甲,但是我有着非常糟糕的咬手指甲的习惯,看起来很难治愈。He explained that this was a memory common to many and needed great persistence and diligence to heal.
他说,这是个人尽皆知的想法,需要巨大的毅力努力去治愈的。After these very long, painstaking operations, attempting to cure things they'd never been able to touch before, the patients died.
医生经过长时间辛勤的手术,企图去治愈他们过去从未接触到的病症,但最后病人死了,他们死于严重感染。But I grew to recognise the signs of defeat in their eyes, and with it any hope of a cure.
但是我最终在他们的眼睛里看到的总是失败的迹象,没有任何治愈的希望。As a result of his incurable illness Hawking can only speak through a voice synthesizer and is almost completely paralyzed.