汉语拼音:jǔ qí bù dìng
- 【解释】:拿着棋子,不知下哪一着才好。比喻犹豫不决,拿不定主意。
- 【出自】:《左传·襄公二十五年》:“弈者举棋不定,不胜其藕。”
- 【示例】:对于“逃匿”震南村中,拒不从命的小小的胡杏,他们却是~。
◎欧阳山《苦斗》七十八 - 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
We are tired, the understanding is often wander in the persistence and give up between, hesitating.
我们之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。Mormon who has flip- flopped on both abortion and civil unions, and said he was "effectively pro-choice" as recently as two years ago.
一个在堕胎及民事结合问题上举棋不定的摩门教徒,并且他近来声称自己和两年前一样大力支持堕胎。Just a little longer, I will feel indebted to himself, in his head smashed computer and between hesitate about what move to make.
时间再长些,我就会觉得对自己负债累累,在砸烂电脑和自己的脑袋之间举棋不定。The classic 11: we are tired of knowing, is always persist and give up in between, hesitate about what move to make.
经典语录11:我们之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。Also, the populist edge sounded to some swing voters as if Al, too, might change the economic direction of the country.
而且,平民主义的尖锐口号也让部分举棋不定的选民认为,艾尔或许会改变国家经济发展的方向。He accused me of being a tax-and-spend liberal, a Jimmy Carter clone, and a waffler who couldn't make up his mind.
他指责我是一个只知道增加税收和开支的自由派,是第二个吉米.卡特,墙头草,一个举棋不定的人。We are winning these votes in swing states and among the very swing voters [that] Democrats must win to take back the White House.
我们赢得了那些中间州里的举棋不定的选民的选票,这是民主党要夺回白宫必须赢得的。But a few days pass, and she keeps stalling. "Do you want to live there or not? " I keep asking.
可是过了几天,她依然举棋不定。“你究竟想不想住在那里?”我不断询问。He looked the gipsy over carefully, wondering vaguely whether it would be easier to fight him or cajole him.