
汉语拼音:nóng mù



  1. 农耕和放养牲畜。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《观园人艺植》诗:“善贾笑蚕渔,巧宦贱农牧。” 唐 钱起 《山居新种花药与道士同游赋诗》:“自乐鱼鸟性,寧求农牧资。” 章炳麟 《訄书·商鞅》:“功坚其心,纠其民于农牧,使曏之游惰无所业者,转而傅井亩,是故盖藏有餘,而赋税亦不至于缺乏。”


    • White Witch: Do you know why you are here, faun?

      白女巫: 农牧之神,你知道为什么你会在这儿 吗 ?

    • Jack found himself with a vague managerial title , traveling to stock and agricultural machinery shows.

      露玲接手了她爹的农牧机械生意, 开始展示出经商的手腕儿.

    • By using the system dynamics, we analysed the variational law of and stockbreeding's subsystem. "

      又采用系统动力学方法, 分析了 农牧 子系统的变化规律.

    • Ecology deterioration and farmers'poverty are the two critical problems that half - grazing zone is now facing.


    • Ryegrass - rice cropping system is rapidly developed in middle - and - lower reaches of Yangtze River in recent years.

      黑麦草 — 水稻是近几年在我国长江中下游地区迅速发展的农牧结合新型种植模式.

    • The construction unit of this project is Yanshi Farming & Herd & Livestock Product Center.

      该项目的实施单位是 偃师市 农牧畜产中心.

    • Coastal fisheries resource - rich, is the world's leading exporter of agriculture and animal husbandry products.

      沿海渔业资源丰富, 是世界著名的农牧产品出口国.

    • The transition zone climate for agriculture and animal husbandry, agriculturally mu wish to agriculture.

      为农牧气候过渡地带, 宜农宜牧,以农业为主.

    • The flow capital and agriculture - stock raising production in interlacing agro - pastoral region exist a negative feedback.


    • Town flat, ample water, fertile land, endowed with the development of agricultureanimal husbandry production conditions.

      该镇地势平坦 、 水源充足 、 土地肥沃, 发展农牧生产具有得天独厚的条件.

    • The environment that working face of politics of thought of farming herd round field faces, condition.

      农牧团场思想政治工作面临的环境 、 条件.

    • Authors of the paper consider it feasible to intercrop maize and alfalfa in farming - pastoral areas.
