I love your ideas, and I know a few people who might be great matches for your project.
你的想法很不错,我很欣赏,但我现在可能暂时没法加入,不过我知道某某兴许比较适合做。cameron knew he had to be able to quickly and easily access all that information or risk disaster, he told a microsoft film crew in 2008.
2008年,卡梅隆对于微软取景组的成员说,他必需可以兴许迅速便捷地获取所有的信息,不然他将面对于灾祸。My husband said he might accompany us over the whole holiday without being bothered with his office affairs!
先生说,这个假期没有工作事务的烦扰,兴许他能好好陪陪我们!After all, the French have a sense of humor. Perhaps the judge, when he heard Fillmore's side of the story, would absolve him from marriage.
法国人毕竟是有幽默感的,兴许法官听了菲尔莫的陈述后还会解除他们的婚约呢。If you had asked George why he'd begun walking towards the rock, he wouldn't have been able to tell you.
你若是问起乔治为何走向礁石,他兴许也说不上来。It was perhaps ten or twelve feet deep, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom , where there appeared to be a level ledge.
它兴许有十英尺到十二英尺深,上宽下窄,底部似乎有一块平伸出来的岩石。Perhaps the Snail Girl was just a tale, but the young man Huangbaishan was a real person.
田螺姑娘兴许是传说,但黄百三郎可是确有其人。It might be more accurate to say that money is leaving Spanish banks at more of a jog than anything close to a sprint.
更准确的说法兴许是,资金从西班牙银行外流的速度更接近于慢跑,离冲刺还差得远。That helps a little, but does nothing to separate out the items that do not burn or that would fetch a higher price if recycled.