She said it was a mean practice and wasn't clean, and I must try to not do it any more.
她说这是一种下流的习惯,又不卫生,要我从此不再抽。Stop when the sweat on his forehead down to the low-down, heart beat faster, music did not stop laughing at my being out of step.
停下来的时候,汗水顺着额头向下流,心跳的速度加快,音乐却没有停止,还在嘲笑着我的不合拍。The fact that it was labelled'immoral' or even 'obscene' no doubt helped to make people think it was rather shocking fun.
给它贴上“不道德”甚至“下流”的标签,无疑会使人们认为跳这种舞是糟糕的娱乐。He said he was 'impressed' with his shots of the vibrant lava flowing down the mountain.
据阿普尔顿介绍,他印象最深的就是看到炽热的岩浆滚滚向山下流去。You can find him in one of these cheap places.
你可以在这些下流地方找到他。But why would anyone want to put himself through all that? The jeers on every touch, the vicious taunts, the obscene signage?
但为什么会有人想让自己置身那样的困境?为什么会有人想要每次触球时被嘘,想要听刻毒的嘲弄,想要看下流的标语?I thought it was dirty because your face, I could tell, I didn't even know you. You were just like: get the camera out of my face.
我觉得那表演很下流。因为你当时的表情,我能看出来,那时我还不认识你。你的表情就像是在说:别用摄像机对着我的脸。He finds his wife has deserted him and with a dirty lowlife too.
他发现他妻子已抛弃他而去和一个龌龊的下流胚在一起。It is time he understood, I think, what the moneyed men of this community think of him and his crooked ways.