He had the desire to seduce her , but knew this would only add to the public image of him as a shark preying on helpless people.
他有一种想勾引她的欲望,但他知道这样做会使他在公众心目中的形象更加成为一个劫掠无助者的诈骗者。"Fidelity" is not easy for anyone (and many do not even value it), but if it is paramount for you, he may not be your ideal partner.
“忠诚”并不是对任何人都容易做到(而且许多人并不看重它),但它在你心目中有着至上的地位,他也许并不是你的理想伴侣。Thoreau's main goal was to maintain his own moral virtue and his freedom to act on the truth as he saw it.
梭罗的主要目标是维护自己的道德原则和按照自己心目中的真理行事的自由。Nowhere can instead of him in the place of my heart.
没有其他的地方可以取代他在我心目中的地位。Girl JuOnly dignified, courteous, the king especially liked it, muttering: "She is the queen of my mind, I am non-that she did not marry. "
姑娘举止端庄,彬彬有礼,国王格外喜欢,就喃喃自语道:“她就是我心目中的王后,我非她不娶。”Today, my sixteen year old son told me that he's following his guidance counselor's advice: to do what his hero does for a living.
今天16岁的儿子说他打算按指导员说的去做:按心目中的英雄那样去谋生。And if you aren't willing or ready to mold yourself into her ideal man, you will only resent her for trying to change you.
如果你不希望或者没有准备好将自己打造成她心目中的完美男人,你只会因为她试图改变你而憎恨她。He could have been referring to what some consider one of the greatest recent discoveries of neuroscience: mirror neurons.
他指的可能就是某些人心目中神经科学近来最伟大发现之一:镜像神经元。At school, he began to entertain his friends by imitating his silent screen hero, Charlie Chaplin.