Portable electrical tools are always widely used in all areas of our daily living and industrial producing.
便携式电动工具作为一种最常用的劳动工具被广泛地应用于我们日常生活以及工业生产当中。The government builds a bunch of bridges that are really useful. The money to pay for the cement and the workers comes from printing money.
政府雇佣一批工人开沟挖渠,再把它们填满。(务工人员工资和劳动工具的购买同样来自印刷的货币)The first hominids manufacturing labor can be seen as tools of Chinese arts and crafts from the source.
原始人制造的第一件劳动工具可视为中国工艺美术的远源。I don rubber gloves, bravely grab my pickup stick and swallow the remainder of my coffee.
我穿上橡胶手套,勇敢地抓起我的劳动工具-一根拾物棒-然后把剩下的咖啡一口吞掉。Their children were transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labor.
他们的孩子被变成单纯的买卖对象和劳动工具。With tools on their shoulders , the seven dwarfs walk home singing happily.
小矮人扛着劳动工具,哼着歌儿往家走来。No workman without tools, Nor Lawyer without Fools, Can live by their Rules.
没有工人无劳动工具,没有律师无去向他咨询的傻瓜。These costs go up when wages riseor productivity (widgets per worker) falls.
这些成本随着工资上升而上升,抑或随着生产率(每一工人使用的劳动工具数)的下降而下降。The second kind of indirect labour is that employed in making tools or implements for the assistance of labour.