She had no fire in her bedroom, where she had been sitting waiting for his call, and staring at the dying mistletoe.
她的卧室里没有生火,她就在那儿一直坐着,盯着那束快要枯死的藤枝,等着他叫她。Day with each passing day past, the farm goodses of that person all lost plant, and he also dies in imagination by himself in.
日子一天天过去,那个人的庄稼全都枯死了,而他自己也死于幻想之中了。He took out his knife and cut away some of the dead wood from the rose trees.
他掏出小刀割去一些已经枯死的枝条。Those who are curious, actively on the lookout, and close to the place of action, will notice the appearance of these "dead" things first.
那些充满好奇心的人们,积极地观望,并接近行动之地的人,将会首先注意到这些‘枯死’事物的显现。His son was shocked. Now the sun had risen. The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.
他听了非常震惊,现在太阳已经日上三竿,看到所有被拔起来的稻庙都快枯死,儿子满是心碎His son quickly ran to the field and take a look, all the seedlings has dried up and died.
他儿子赶快跑到地里去一看,禾苗全都枯死了。The army said it would take two weeks to get here, but I had 1, 000 vines that had to be in the ground immediately or else they'd die.
军方称要花两周时间才能赶到这里,但我有1000株必须马上种在地里的葡萄藤,否则就会枯死。Half of Australia has no water and my trees here are dying.
澳大利亚有一半地区没有水,我们的树都要枯死了。Drive my dead thoughts over the universe, Like withered leaves to quicken a new birth! And, by the incantation of this verse.