
汉语拼音:jìn dòng




  1. 谓进升仕途。


  2. 向前发展。

    李大钊 《桑西门的历史观》五:“历史的发展,是由孤立向联合进动,由战争向平和进动,由反抗向协合进动。”


    • This gyroscopic motion is called precession.


    • The tilting of the gyro continues until the erection torque balances the torque producing the precession.


    • Finally, physics about precession sorted by precession mechanism are presented curtly.

      最后, 试介绍进动物理方面的基本知识,以进动机制分类对进动做了总结.

    • By participating, visitors can experience the basic traits of gyro - precession.

      让观众通过参与体验陀螺的基本特性 - 进动性.

    • In the third chapter, precession cone semi - angle is discussed.


    • Like precession, mountains produce some quadrupole asymmetry, so they will radiate.

      山脉也可以像进动那样产生四极不对称, 因此它们也将辐射引力波.

    • D FIESTA sequence possesses the preliminary clinical application value for the CMRA.


    • J 2 perturbation makes the relative orbit drift in the in track direction , nutation or procession.

      J2摄动对相对轨道的影响分为相对轨道构形的漂移 、 相对轨道平面的章动和进动.

    • When this happens, asas you finish adding the 5 % of lactic acid, immediately after mixing.

      碰到这栽环境时, 只要在上平油洋增上5%的乳酸, 搅拌平均后即可进动上平.

    • Based on this discovery, a novel swirl meter with a strong anti - jamming performance was developed.

      基于这一结果, 研制出 抗干扰性能 很强的新型旋涡进动流量计.

    • Materi - als and Methods: Peripheral gated 3 D FIESTA sequence was used to 12 subjects with breath - hold at the end of expiration.

      材料和方法: 12例受检者,采用外周门控屏气三维快速平衡稳态进动序列(3DFIESTA),呼气末屏气扫描.

    • Black body temperature, orbital elements, the Milankovitch precession index, and the Seversmith psychroterms.

      黑体温度 、 轨道要素 、 米兰科维奇进动指数及Seversmith精神分析项.

    • Then, the impact of black hole masses on disk - driven precession model is discussed.

      接着, 讨论了黑洞质量对盘致进动模型的影响.