
汉语拼音:qīng shān



  1. 青葱的山岭。

    《管子·地员》:“青山十六施,百一十二尺而至于泉。” 唐 徐凝 《别白公》诗:“青山旧路在,白首醉还乡。”《四游记·玉帝起赛宝通明会》:“一见我这里青山隐隐,緑水迢迢,便问我借与他居住。” 海默 《我的引路人》五:“留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。”

  2. 指归隐之处。

    唐 贾岛 《答王建秘书》诗:“白髮无心镊,青山去意多。” 宋 范仲淹 《寄石学士》诗:“与君尝大言,定作青山隣。” 严复 《送沉涛园备兵淮扬》诗之一:“相看白髮盈头出,长恐青山与愿违。”

  3. 山名。一名 青林山 。

    南朝 诗人 谢朓 曾卜居于此,故又称 谢公山 。在今 安徽省 当涂县 东南。 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》“ 袁宏 始作《东征赋》” 南朝 梁 刘孝标 注:“后游 青山 饮酌,既归,公命 宏 同载,众为危惧。” 唐 李白 《题东溪公幽居》诗:“宅近 青山 同 谢朓 ,门垂碧柳似 陶潜 。” 宋 杨万里 《望谢家青山太白墓》诗:“ 阿朓 青山 自一村,州民岁岁与招魂。 六朝 陵墓今安在,只有诗仙月下坟。”


  • Town like this, half of the villages in July, it becomes even more mysterious it seems as if under the misty clouds of Castle Peak.


  • Surrounded by barriers like mountains, stand like a wall of the Castle as if the painting depicting the mighty screen.


  • Depending on the daughter of my life ZhaoQingShan, in the heart of a deadly pain, that is not my own daughter "suspicious" .


  • Aoyama Gakuin says that this is just a soft launch and plans to make full use of the system this autumn when the new semester starts.


  • Xiamen with its verdant hills and its mild climate is widely known AS the "Garden in the Sea. "


  • Castle Peak those visible in the plot as if snow mountain and the sky like a towering peaks of snow-capped mountains as the Yunkuai.


  • As we set off, the green mountains on the banks became deep blue in the dusk, receding toward the stern of the boat.


  • I love the castle peak and is ready to accompany it, I love white clouds, and the enjoyment of natural life.


  • look like the distance from the window in the Castle Peak, the mountain of trees moisture in the spring it is all the more green the next.
