That Manager Mr. Zhao is a wily old bird , you've got to be extremely careful when you have dealing with him.
那位赵老板可是个老油条,跟他打交道可要分外小心。Where they hang out: These chronic outdoor-party crashers can be found near lakes, marshes, lagoons, pools, or any other body of water.
它们在哪里聚会:这些老油条的户外聚会的不速之客,总是在靠近湖,沼泽,礁湖,池塘或者任何其他水系附近出没。The Stones are wily old businessmen: they were among the first to realise that fans would pay more for concert tickets.
滚石他们都是些生意场上的老油条,他们属于最先发现粉丝们愿意花更多的钱买门票的那拨人。This spin did not convince old pros on Wall Street.
这个说法并不能说服华尔街的老油条。Whatever Westminster sophisticates murmur, the politics of this crisis are moving into new territory.
不管议会中的老油条们嘀咕什么,此番危机中的政局正在步入新领域。But in any case, this is really sad: John Hicks knew far more about this in 1937 than people who think they're sophisticates know now.
但无论如何,这实在是令人痛心:约翰·希克斯知道,在1937年人们就认为政府是老油条,对此,远比人们现在所了解到的多得多。We all know that he a wily old bird, but that gril who love him did not believe that.
我们都知道他这个人是个老油条,老谋深算。可是那个爱他的女孩却不相信!He is such a grease ball, I don't know what she sees in him.
他简直是个老油条,我不知道到底她看上他哪一点。When the people behind on their bills aren't classic deadbeats but are truly tapped out, debt collectors also get pinched.