'Rise and fall of every man's duty', here are the responsibility of every student.
‘天下兴亡,匹夫有责’,在座的每一位同学都有责任。The rise and fall of countries, the Rise and Fall of dynasties, are bound to the history of the road.
国家的兴亡,朝代的盛衰,都是历史上必然经过的道路。Gu said the good, the world is everyone is responsible for the rise and fall, so I support you.
顾炎武说的好,天下兴亡匹夫有责,所以我支持你。My experience playing this variant is that you definitely get to see the "ebb-and-flow" of an empire.
我对这一变体的体验是玩家清楚地看到帝国的兴亡衰落。The lost of ethical politics was an important reason why the Xin Dynasty crumpled so quickly.
伦理政治的迷失是新朝政权倏忽兴亡的重要原因。As a market economy and a symbol of trade credit notes in the rise and fall of China is a case in point.
作为市场经济和商业信用象征的纸币在中国的兴亡正是一个典型的例子。Tea attained the prime in Tang Dynasty , which spread from southwest China through Yangtze River over thousands of years.
茶由中国的西南地区经巴蜀顺长江而下,经历数千年蒙昧混沌、兴亡盛衰,在唐朝进入全盛时期。The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.
大臣接过话锋,滔滔不绝地谈论起古今多少帝国的盛衰兴亡。Scientific discovery and technological inventions have brought about new civilizations, modern industries, and the rise and fall of nations.