He rendered a few parts of the Greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version.
他用蹩脚译文翻出了一小部分希腊数学和天文著作。He covered his face with his hands , as if to protect his eyes .
他双手捂住脸,象是为了保护眼睛。(译文中省略了代词)A new medicine for cancer is said to be proving out in laboratory tests, but there is no knowing about its clinical outcome yet.
译文:据说,有一种治癌新药在实验室试验过程中证明效果良好,但是尚不知其临床疗效如何。The beauty of rhythm in the translation is often regarded as a chief symbol of failure or success of literary works translation.
译文的节奏美,常常被视为文学翻译成败的重要标志。Comments are fields in the source or target row to which you can add comments or questions for your own or someone else's review.
注释是为方便您自己或他人审查可在原文或译文行中添加注释或疑问的字段。A few weeks ago the young man was just a man of men. Today he seemed truly touched by divine spirit, which spiritualized and elevated him.
译文几周前,这位年轻人不过是个凡夫俗子而已。今天,他似乎真正得到了圣灵的点化,使他超凡入圣了。It illustrates how much more space you would need for each translated text.
它说明了您需要增加多少空间来显示每种译文。This thesis is an attempt to explore this objective phenomenon known as "treason" in literary translation.
本文试图探讨的就是文学翻译中译文对原文的偏离或称之为“背叛”的这一客观现象。The children of the keys are the supported language with its translation of the portion of text.