Discipline is not a, n. . . not always uh something nice to hear.
很不幸地戒律听来往往不像是什么好事。He beheld men going and coming as through a flame. He heard voices speaking as at the bottom of an abyss.
他在火焰中看到来来往往的人,他听到的说话声就好象来自深渊一样。There are many people coming and going on street but a few greet you, not to mention chatting or dinning with you.
当你走在街上,眼前有那麽多的人来来往往,可是却很少有人会跟你打招呼,更别说陪你聊天、吃饭;Villagers have no business temporarily Villagers who have no business temporarily are squatting by the road and looking at tourists.
《暂时没有生意的村民》暂时没有生意的村民,蹲在旁边打望来来往往的游客。The men that breed from them they traffic up and down, but cling to their cities' hem as a child to the mother's gown.
靠这些城市抚育着人们,让他们来来往往,但仅仅依附于城市的折缝之中,有如孩子依附于母亲的睡袍一样。Soon all over the mountains and plains carried the basket, with bags, baskets and arm are often buy chicken man.
很快满山遍野挑着筐、夹着编织袋、挽着竹篮来来往往都是买鸡的人。The file is accessible to all users on the system, meaning workers across the enterprise could view the login name and password.
这个日志文件,可以被系统上所有用户轻易的访问,这意味着那些来来往往公司的工作人员有可能看到登录账号和密码。Rose is her colour, she saw the men came and went, they smiled warm to her and then were lost in the crowd.
玫瑰红是她的颜色,她看着人们来来往往,他们对她热情地微笑,然后消失在人群中。Sure, I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls.