My mom told me that this woman had just moved here from Germany and they had not yet had their phone turned on.
妈妈告诉我她刚从德国搬来,还没有开通电话。But she needn't have worried; he did not laugh at her, but came towards her, holding out the book he was reading.
可她不用担心。他并没有笑话她,而是朝她走过来,还把手里的书拿给她看。"What's the matter? The pearls of wisdom leaping from my lips like lemmings is no good for you? "
“不必了吧?锦囊妙计由我信口拈来,还帮不上你啊?”Crusoe had eleven guns altogether. He brought five of them to his new cave and a great deal of gun- powder.
克鲁索一共有十一只枪。他把其中的五只拿到新洞里来,还拿来了许多火药。You had better reckon without me, as I am not sure whether I shall be able to come.
你最好别把我计算在内,因为我是否能来还说不定。She came to repay me 200 yuan once more yestereday as a result of her forgetting paying it back to me last month.
她昨天又来还我200元钱,因为她已经忘记上个月还给我了。Put on a coat, come to a cool and beautiful world, a morning oncoming plunged, with a little bit of snow aroma.
穿上大衣,来到了一个凉爽而美丽的世界,一股寒气迎面扑来,还带着一点点雪花的芳香。Where exactly the mothball smell came from was one of those mysteries.
究竟樟脑球的味道从何而来还真是个迷。It is far too early, however, to believe that North Korea is really ready to come in from the cold.