Until the Army resolves all that, it's going to be some time before smartphones are as much a part of the Army as the M4 rifle.
直到军方解决了所有问题,智能手机才可能成为部队的必要装备,就像M4来复枪,但这需要时间。He said he watched it through his rifle's telescopic lens and described it as very large and without seams, nuts or bolts.
他表示他从来复枪的伸缩镜中看到它,并将其描述成一种非常大,没有接缝、螺帽和螺钉的东西。Witnesses at the time said he killed himself rather than surrender using a rifle given to him by his friend, the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
目击者称,阿连德使用好友古巴领导人菲德尔?卡斯特罗送给自己的来复枪结束了自己的生命,而不是投降。He held a rifle in his hand and pointed to a precise spot on her head where the bullet would have to hit so that she would fall.
他手里握着来复枪,瞄准了她头上精确的部位,这样子弹打过去,奶牛就会应声而倒。Mr. Whittenburg said he shot the bear three times with a rifle he carries to take down wild pigs.
威腾伯格说,他用打野猪的来复枪对着那头熊连开三枪。The report says the arms include rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers provided by the United States and its NATO allies.
该报告称,这批装备包括来复枪,导弹推进的手榴弹发射台,均由美国及北约盟国提供。The body lay near the window, where the beast had left it when frightened away by the flash and report of the rifle.
尸体躺在离窗户很近的地方。那头野兽被来复枪发出的闪光和声音吓到了,丢下尸体了。There was a tremendous need to influence and create relationships, to go beyond pointing a rifle at someone and saying 'go do it'.
影响和创造人际关系很有必要,可不能用把来复枪指着某人命他‘听话!The enraged bear charged toward him, he dropped his rifle and started running for the cabin as fast as he could.