
汉语拼音:láng yá






  1. 狼的牙齿。亦指狼牙状的东西。

    宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·驾登宝津楼诸军呈百戏》:“忽作一声如霹靂,谓之‘爆仗’,则蛮牌者引退,烟火大起,有假面披髮,口吐狼牙烟火,如鬼神状者上场。”《水浒传》第一一六回:“ 解珍 心慌,连忙一刀,砍断挠钩,却从空里坠下来……下面都是狼牙乱石,粉碎了身躯。” 鲁迅 《二心集·上海文艺之一瞥》:“他在先前,还曾经说,青年人不但嗥叫,还要露出狼牙来。”

  2. 比喻险境。

    唐 元稹 《酬段丞与诸棋流会宿弊居见赠二十四韵》:“异日玄黄队,今宵黑白棋……善败虽称怯,骄盈最易欺。狼牙当必碎,虎口祸难移。” 明 无名氏 《鸣凤记·易生避难》:“虎吻狼牙几陷矣,何期此地重相遇。”

  3. 比喻箭头。指狼牙箭。

    唐 李贺 《长平箭头歌》:“白翎金簳雨中尽,直餘三脊残狼牙。” 王琦 汇解:“三脊者,箭头作三脊形,俗谓之狼牙箭,盖言其锋利如狼之牙也。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·焚券》:“狼牙早散三千众,燕頷当封万里侯。” 清 遯庐 《童子军·雪饯》:“萧萧鹤髮,衝将 易水 之冠;簇簇狼牙,誓破 晋阳 之甲。”

  4. 草名。入药,有毒。

    《急就篇》卷四:“款东、贝母、薑、狼牙。”《周礼·天官·医师》“聚毒药以共医事” 唐 贾公彦 疏:“药中有毒者,谓巴豆、狼牙之类是也。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草六·狼牙》﹝集解﹞引《别录》:“狼牙生 淮南 川谷及 寃句 。八月采根,暴乾。中湿腐烂生衣者,杀人。”


    • The sword and mace were favourite weapons for hand - to - hand fighting .

      剑和狼牙棒是 肉搏战 的最佳武器.

    • The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature.

      狼牙可能掉, 狼性改不了.

    • The wolf lose his tooth, but not his instinct.

      狼牙虽失, 本性难移.

    • Valeera runs up , hugs Spike, and thanks him for saving Broll.

      瓦蕾拉跑上来抱住狼牙, 感谢他救了布罗尔.

    • Powerful and easily held, wolf - teeth clubs were high in many genarals'favour.

      狼牙棒因为杀伤力强,握起来顺手, 在古代战争中受到到很多大将的青睐!

    • These mace - wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge.


    • Abe of the Potentilla cryptottaeniae the secondary roles also similarly have the component.


    • Mace of Sauron, which he uses in the prologue scenes in The Fellowship of the Ring.

      索隆的狼牙棒, 他曾在《魔戒再现》的序曲部分出现过.

    • Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity.

      巴尔干骑兵们手持长矛和狼牙棒, 以作战凶残闻名于世.

    • These mace wielding fighting machines wear plate armour, but prefer to fight on foot.

      这些挥舞狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全钢板甲, 极为热衷步战厮杀.

    • Ruthless Germanic knightly order , armoured with lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee.

      条顿骑士团是作风冷酷的德意志骑士团体, 装备骑枪和大型狼牙棒,热衷近身肉搏厮杀.

    • Langya Mountain Center is located five Warriors Tiaoya Langya Mountain on the south - west of Yixian County.


    • These temporary soldiers were commonly armed with a mace, usually a club with a stone head.

      这些临时民兵大多使用棍棒(狼牙棒), 通常是那种带有石头头的棍棒.