The journal's narrow academic readership was certainly one reason, the public's readiness for that kind of analysis might be another.
原因之一当然是那份杂志狭窄的学术读者圈子,之二可能是公众对那种分析的接受程度。He said the American public needed a victory, even a small one, against Japan.
他说美国公众需要一次对日本的胜利,哪怕是很小的一次。It seems he might have been lost in a fantasy world that allowed him to present himself as something quite different from his public self.
他似乎迷失于幻想世界,这让他可以展示与在公众场合不太一样的自我。Her unattractiveness made it difficult for her to get notice by the public.
因貌不出众她很难得到公众的注意。Memphis police director Larry Godwin assures the public that this isn't a real-life version of Minority Report.
孟菲斯警督拉里古德温向公众保证,这不是现实版本的少数派报告。The other big title challenger, Xray , was also in Bangkok this week but appeared to want to keep their WC challenger out of the public eye.
另外一大冠军挑战者,X射线,也是在曼谷这个星期,但似乎想保持其厕所的挑战者了公众的视线。As well as the general public segment, pollsters also interviewed 200 opinion leaders for a separate set of results.
调查人员除访问美国一般公众外,还另外访问了美国200位意见领袖。8 "It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. "
政治领导们在公众面前有所保留是必要的,甚至是必须的。Yet these systems are not well-understood by the general public and their importance is often overlooked.