Choose a word at random and speak a sentence or two about that key word, as if you were responding to an interview question.
选择一个字随机和说一两个句子,关键字,因为如果你对面试问题。One old lady after the black hundred meters after the game, with tears in her eyes and said: scary!
后一个老夫人的黑百米的比赛后,含着眼泪和说:可怕!Meant only trained eyes and hands, but they would not be able to listen to you and said.
默写只是训练了眼睛和手,可是它们不能替你听和说。refers to the child's acquisition of his mother tongue, i. e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of its community.
语言习得是指儿童对其母语的习得,也就是儿童是如何逐渐理解和说其社区的语言的。Don't give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to.
不要送出欺骗的问候、假装光顾别人和说几句话你认为对的话。it was the right thing to do. I forged trust with my readers through good times and bad and prided myself on my name and word.
经历股市的起起落落后,我和读者之间建立起一种互信关系,十分看重自己的名誉和说出来的言论。He drank and swore in great moderation . There was no vulgarity in his speech.
在喝酒和说脏话方面,他都很有节制。他讲话一点也不粗俗。This problem persisted in Hearts of Iron 2 and to be honest we here at Paradox Towers felt that all in all this was unsatisfactory.
这个问题坚持小胡子养成计划2和说实话,我们在这里悖论韬认为,所有的一切,这是不能令人满意的。We find it easy to dream and to speak, but doing things is a different matter.