We may not know and understand enough about the program to comfortably "commit" to the schedule at this point.
我们也许不知道也不能理解这个项目在这个时间点是是否与我们的时间表相符合。Under the surface, however, they were ratcheting up their risk-taking.
然而,在这种表相之下,它们变得越来越喜欢冒险。The speed of the rout (see chart) has been scary for a place that was supposed to be largely insulated from the rich world's troubles.
这种贬值速度(见下表)相对于一个被视为与发达国家各种烦恼绝缘的国家来说有点恐怖。One of the models associated with the SUBJECTS table ensures that the table is populated with necessary information with valid lengths.
与SUBJECTS表相关联的模型之一确保用必需的有效信息填充这个表。Specifies the parent table linked to the child table displayed in a Grid control.
指定与表格控件中所显示子表相链接的父表。It sees their nothingness, and looks straight through the thousand forms in which they may appear. it looks on lies, but it is not deceived.
它看出幻觉的虚无缥缈,一眼看穿那些千变万化的表相。它正视谎言,却不受其欺。This results in a number of thermoelectric EMF sources, all connected in series with the voltage source and the meter.
这样就会产生若干热电动势源,所有这些热电动势源都与电压源和电压表相串联。Incorrect Knowledge Is Based Upon Perception Of The Form And Not Upon The State Of Being.
谬误是对表相的感知,不由实相而来。Blueprint is integrated with the OSGi service registry, enabling managed instances to transparently use, or be exposed as, OSGi services.