He is a thin man, with a date for me. To arrive at some point, I do not know when it will be. . .
他是个和我约会的瘦削男人。为了达到某个意图,我不知道那将是什么时候……Stunned, I looked at that skinny face, so familiar and yet I am unable to put a name to it.
我愣愣地看着那瘦削的脸庞,似曾相识,但又想不起他的名字。Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the night the cats were away.
之后瘦削的尼斯注意到自从猫儿消失那晚开始没人见过老农民和他的妻子了。In the quiet room, the tall and thin president held the boy's hands in his hands and encouraged him with concern till he passed away.
在这个寂静的房间里,高大瘦削的总统握着男孩的手,说着体贴入怀的鼓励话语,直到死亡款款而来。I had finally decided to cut my bad haircut and I finally began to grow into my body, so I wasn't as awkward and gangly !
后来我终于决定改变难看的发型,我的身体也终于长开了,我终于看上去不那么瘦削和笨拙了!His face, which had grown thin, and was covered with a thick, short, black heard, looked wrathful .
他那长满又短又黑的浓须的瘦削的面庞,显露出满面怒容。As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides.
在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。his father was a spare old man , his hands gnarled after the work of a lifetime , silent and upright.
施特略夫的父亲是个瘦削的老人,因为终生劳动,两手骨节扭结,不言不语,诚实耿直。He was thin and angular, confident and smart, perhaps a little grayer around the temples than I had thought.