
汉语拼音:gōng suǒ



  1. 官府。

    《清史稿·刑法志三》:“ 天命 元年,諭贝勒大臣曰:‘国人有事,当诉於公所,毋得诉於诸臣之家。’”

  2. 处理公众事务的机关、团体。同业或同乡组织,除称会馆外,亦名公所。如布业公所,四明公所等。

  3. 处理公众事务的机关、团体。旧时的区、镇、乡、村政府,称区公所、镇公所、乡公所、村公所。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“今夜里,我看见你从村公所跑出来的那个神气,我就更不放心,所以住在你对面的殿里。”

  4. 处理公众事务的机关、团体。旧时亦以称收容处所,如 清 末 扬州 收容乞丐的机关,即名“栖流公所”。帮会组织也称“公所”。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十三:“ 萧队长 叫 刘胜 去看 李振江 的那天下晚, 刘胜 闯到 韩老六 摆香堂的公所院子里,从玻璃窗户里看见屋里点着灯, 韩长脖 正在跟 李振江 说话。”原注:“公所,青帮公所。”


  • Just came out the gate, a man stepped before him, made a lengthy salutation, and said, "My lord, you should not ride that horse. "


  • Promising to help her return home, the clerk brought her to the government office who found her lodging in a civilian's house.


  • Delia: But she did and she won. We were watching it on a big screen outside city hall.


  • "They're the ones that can answer that particular question, " he said at a town hall-style gathering of soldiers in Kandahar.


  • "A couple of things he did got me to laugh, and these days, two laughs in a comedy is a high ratio, " Wilson said.


  • Isamu Sasaki, who owns a painting company, showed up at the town hall on Tuesday to ask what to do about his staff.


  • The N-NORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a seminar at CCBA, to teach senior citizens the correct way of walking.


  • Executive Director Cao K. O and Chief Operating Officer Hong Shing Lee of the Asian American Federation of New York visited CCBA.


  • The NNORC Program of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York held a Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration at the CCBA auditorium for the elderly.
