May your business more prosperous with our business services above.
DaTang International a company of experienced business travel consultants, established in 2003.
Jinsha Grand Hotel is always the first choice for business customers.
A choice of sumptuous cuisine of all tastes in Fragrant Hill Golden Resources Commerce Hotel.
I hereby agree to pay The Moon hotel with my credit cardissuing this letter of authorization.
The business traveller is going to perceive value – some decline and not rapid increases.
Recreational facilities, such as chinese restaurant, nightclub, sauna health centre and catering make you unforgettable.
中餐厅 、 夜总会 、 桑拿、沐足、美食城等齐全的娱乐配套设施, 令您的商旅之行更是写意.
Location is very important, in order to compete for military history, business pass through.
地理位置十分重要, 为历代兵家必争 、 商旅必经之地.
On the docks from morning to night, two road surface, Business stream, Handling, stream.
码头上从早到晚, 水陆两路, 商旅川流不息, 装卸搬运, 络绎不绝.
The hotel is located to adjacent the 2008 Olympic Games Conference Site Country Stadium.
The hotel also offers timely free shuttle service from railway station & airport to our hotel.
另外,为更好地方便您的商旅之行,酒店每日定时为宾客提供车站(免费) 、 机场接送服务.