
汉语拼音:diē dǎ sǔn shāng



  1. 泛指由各种各样原因造成的伤痛。

    《水浒传》第一○二回:“ 王庆 勉强摆到府衙前,与惯医跌打损伤、朝北开舖子卖膏药的 钱老儿 ,买了两箇膏药,贴在肋上。” 清 姚衡 《寒秀草堂笔记》卷三:“索尔达十斤八两,二匣,治跌打损伤,和血。” 张天翼 《清明时节》六:“于是有几张嘴对中医西医都说了点意见,接着还介绍了几个专治跌打损伤的灵方。”


    • Is used in various fractures, dislocaitons and muscles, bones injuries and hemostasis swelling pain.

      用于各种骨折 、 脱臼及肌肉 、 筋骨跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛.

    • Lai , topical champs kid crazes, The root of temperature , spermatorrhea, astringent taste in down.

      其叶捣烂外敷, 可治跌打损伤; 其根性温味涩,专治遗精 、 带下等症.

    • Yunnan Baiyao ( white medicinal powder ) is exceptionally effective for the treatment of fracture, injury, etc.


    • Dispel wind and remove dampness, remove pain. For treating rheumatalgia, traumatic injury and sore.

      祛风去湿, 化瘀止痛. 用于风湿痛, 跌打损伤,肿痛.

    • Doctors recommended for bumps , bruises, scrapes and insect bites to prevent and reduce swelling.

      医生建议颠簸,跌打损伤, 擦伤和昆虫叮咬,以防止和减少肿胀.

    • Sprains and ligament injuries, muscular cramps & aches, abdominal distension, muscular exhaustion , swells and other external injuries.

      跌打损伤或扭伤,抽筋, 肌肉疼痛,肚胀, 腹痛,筋络酸痛, 化淤消肿等.