Bustling metropolis, young ChenWen (xia) and his friends of all their dreams, and carries on the search for and hovering above the horizon.
繁华都市之中,年轻的陈文(夏雨饰)和他的一班好友怀揣各自的梦想,终日徘徊在等待与寻觅的地平线上。Chen CCA, Yan WS (2000) Geometric model of mounted grinding tools for automated surface finishing processes.
陈文建会,闫为(2000)磨削的几何模型安装过程自动化表面精加工的工具。Professor Johannes Chan is currently Dean of Law and Professor in the Department of Law at HKU.
陈文敏教授是港大现任法律学院院长兼法律系讲座教授。The whole book shows Chen Wenshu's interest and concerns of women past and present.
此书流露了陈文述对古今女性的高度兴趣与关注。Reading Chen Wenji's painting recalls me vaguely some blurred experience I had.
读陈文骥的画,依稀若唤出我某次模糊了的经历。Hannah Chen is teaching the eight and nine year olds in this math class in Washington how to make sets.
陈文珊是在华盛顿的教学和九年八本数学课如何使孩子套。Also in 1987, Ms Wang and her husband Chen Wenchi set up Via Technologies, a chip design house, in Silicon Valley.
同样在1987年,王雪红和丈夫陈文琦在硅谷创办了芯片设计公司威盛。Chen Wen-Li, female, born in 1971, the China leather garments of "xin ji. "
陈文丽,女,汉族1971年出生于“中国皮革皮衣之都”辛集市。Works more than 40 year Chen Wenting in the Wenguang group is the movie projectionist .