I heard that moxibustion moxibustion temple can prevent hair loss, do not know whether to use tubes, you can consult a doctor . . . . . .
我听说可以用艾灸灸太阳穴防脱发,不知道管不论用,可以咨询一下医生……The function of electro-acupuncture is superior to that of moxibustion. 8.
并且电针对机体的免疫调整作用强于艾灸。In that case let's do some moxibustion instead of using needles. Please let me know if it's too hot.
要是那样,咱们就别做针刺了。试试艾灸吧!感觉烫时请告诉我。Plenty of thermography data for traditional Chinese medicine and a new scientific basis for moxibustion hyperthermia are provided.
此文为艾灸和热疗提供了丰富的图像数据,为传统中医学的灸疗机理研究提供了新的科学依据。Objective To explore experimental and clinical results of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of primary osteoporosis.
目的探讨针刺和艾灸治疗原发性骨质疏松症的疗效。The article reviewed the clinical application and mechanism of moxibustion therapy treating blood-stasis syndrome in recent years.
对近年来艾灸疗法活血化瘀的临床运用及相关机理研究情况进行综述与分析。abstract: Objective: To observe the effect of moxibustion and acu-point as an assistant therapy in treating epigastralgia.
目的:观察穴位艾灸法辅助治疗胃脘痛的效果。Conclusion Homemade aloe beauty cream combined with moxibustion have significant clinical effect on treating of chloasma.
结论:自制芦荟美容膏联合艾灸治疗黄褐斑的临床疗效较显著。Acupuncture combined with suspending moxibustion showed the significantly best effects on curing Bell's palsy(BP).