Orders were placed to the limit of our ship - building resources.
We'll effect delivery within two weeks after receipt of your order.
Our manager became a slave driver during the rush season.
The merchant received a large order for coal.
One of our customers withdrew an order.
This new order will mean ( us ) working overtime.
这一新定单意味着 ( 我们 ) 得加班加点.
A last - minute cancellation on a rush order for military hardware cost us a staggering $ 1200.
Goods will be supplied within thirty days of receipt of order.
We want to place a firm order for the FS 04.
Now this order of yours is an entirely normal case, isn't it?
你们的定单属正常情况, 是不是?
I see! That's a very substantial order.
我明白. 这是相当大量的定单.
Companies to cooperate sincerely with the abstract oil paintings, decorative painting orders.
诚与各公司合作抽象油画, 装饰画定单.
Receiving purchase order , checking, evaluate, and release order to Dept concerned.
接收定单, 检查, 评估, 发放定单给相关部门.
Boeing's order book includes 74 new 787 widebodies, totaling about $ 9 billion.
波音公司的定单包括74架宽体机新787, 价值9亿美元.
Furthermore the module contains registration of and control over production tools.