
汉语拼音:chéng yùn



  1. 秉受天命。

    晋 孙楚 《为石仲容与孙皓书》:“ 太祖 承运, 神武 应期。”《晋书·律历志中》:“及 夏 殷 承运, 周氏 应期,正朔既殊,创法斯异。”

  2. 接受运输。如:本公司承运日用百货及各类小件商品。


    • That's right. You also have fewer problems with tracing shipments.

      对, 你几乎不存在对承运船只的跟踪问题.

    • Contents of terms and conditions of carriage will not be examined.


    • Check invoices from Export Service Providers ( Freight Carriers and Customs Brokers ).

      审查出口费用的发票 ( 货运承运人和报关行 ).

    • Recognition: to fight the airline carrier or on - line telephone service confirmed.

      确认方式: 打承运航空公司服务电话或网上确认.

    • Our customers may enjoy carriage economic with our FTL and LCL options.


    • Must be signed by the carrier and the shipper.


    • A carrier, is a friend for life!

      一次承运, 终生是朋友!

    • Air carriers: Air China, more telephone consultation.

      承运航空: 中国国际航空 、 更多电话咨询.

    • Must be cargo owner, NVOCC, or shipper's association.

      必须是货主, 无船承运人和托运人协会.

    • Global air, sea & land freight forwarding & NVOCC service.

      全球空运, 海运,陆地运输以及无船承运服务.

    • The rotating beam with a varying angular velocity undergoes a verticalexcitation and a horizontal excitation.


    • Communicate with relative departments or carriers or customers for any shipping involved issues on time.


    • The main carrier Haikou, Guangzhou, to all parts of the country's automobile transport of goods.

      主要承运海口 、 广州发往全国各地的汽车货物运输.

    • Can offer the most suitable and economic suggestion on tax according to the export price.


    • Customs control of goods by bonded carrier to the vehicle from the terminal ( airport, etc. ).

      货物须由海关监管车辆从保税区承运至码头 ( 机场等 ).