Among the yatter there are these sentences of wisdom.
He stared at the words in complete puzzlement.
The remaining sections under the various comment statements should be self - explanatory.
The call subroutine is used for this sentence.
An expression that does not bear translation.
We should purify the language of barbarisms.
It got so that Ming - feng was afraid to go anywhere for fear of hearing contemptuous remarks.
A VSAM file containing model job control statements and control information for batch SDF / CICS.
一种虚拟存储存取法(VSAM) 文件,包含成批用户信息控制系统(CICS)屏幕定义程序(SDF)的样板作业控制语句和控制信息.
A statement of fact to be tested for truth or falsehood within an algorithm.
For ALGOL, write one for statements, one for declarations and one for expressions.
对于代数排列语言来说, 我们可以分别把语句 、 说明和表达式编成子程序.
There are usually no nested statements, blocks , and so forth in assembler statements.
在这些汇编语句中通常不包含嵌套语句, 分程序等等.
In System / 32, consecutive numbering of statements at the end of run, if requested.
在IBMSystem/32中, 在运行结束时按请求对语句作连续编号.
For ALGOL, write one subprogram for statements, one for declarations and one for expressions.
对于算法语言来说, 我们可以分别把语句 、 说明和表达式编成子程序.
Use the Parameters collection when you build SQL statements.
Me ( Beautifully pronouced, with choice semaphore ): " I want a divorce. "
我 ( 用选好的语句, 优雅地大声说 ): “ 我要离婚. ”