Mount the column in the oven. Use the hanging bracket if available.
在柱箱中装柱. 如果可能的话,用柱悬挂架.
What is the nature of the contents of the parcel?
A black s skull can hold as much as a white s.
What have you got in this suitcase? It weights a ton!
这小提箱中装着什么东西? 这么重!
Discharge of the contents of the tank is effected by a pump.
In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship's officer.
And pack in the dress very comfortable.
Mount the column in the oven.
Ltd is eager to work with organizations and companies in HVAC a brand new chapter.
How could I pack enough in my baggage to provide what was needed?
我怎样才能在我的行李中装上足够的东西以备所需 呢 ?
It can be used to compress a package, making more cargo fit in a carrier.
它可以用来压紧包裹, 使得一件行李中装进更多的东西.
Many people on the streets with yard grass, yard equipment inside the firecrackers and fireworks.
街道上许多沿街叫卖用草扎的小鹿, 小鹿内中装了鞭炮和烟.
We love in mind, all this due to us courtesy of the motherland.
我们心中装着大爱, 这一切都缘于祖国给我们的礼遇.
For your ilness, you'd better go to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital.