Ask: Agricultural of derv price and course, affected job of regular agriculture machinery management for a time, to this you have why. . .
问:农用柴油价格的并轨,一度影响了正常的农机治理工作,对此你有何…The omnibearing joint with literature from content to form produces the main impetus for Chinese films to go ahead from winter to summer.
与文学从内容到形式全方位的“并轨”,成为了新时期中国电影从荒芜走向繁荣的主要动因。Two days ago that the tax- funded enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises will be unified , so the cost will be closer to the concept .
前两天说外资企业和内资企业的税收将会并轨,这样在成本方面的概念就会比较接近。"Track" to "merged" , the Chinese higher education as a full evolution toward a market economy.
“双轨”变“并轨”,中国高等教育全面走向市场经济的一个嬗变。Free tuition for students in normal universities puts an end to charging system in university since 1997.
师范生免费教育为我国自1997年以来大学普遍实行并轨收费的制度划上了一个圆满的句号。Since we integrated the two-track exchange rate in 1994, the exchange rate of the RMB has fluctuated.
从1994年汇率并轨到现在,人民币汇率并不是一成不变的。Last year, Shanghai has taken the lead in export residential insurance, cleared threshold to meet the requirements for acceding to the WTO.
去年,上海市的内外销住宅已率先并轨,清除了门坎,以适应入世的需要。After the exchange rate and the axle to 1997 year's end, the Renminbi continuously presented the rise situation to US dollar exchange rate.
汇率并轨后到1997年底,人民币对美元汇率一直呈现上升态势。The Capability of Unemployment Insurance Fund in Transition from Layoff to Open Unemployment