Nobody is stupid. It's just that sometimes, we choose to be stupid for us to feel a little bit of what they call happiness.
没有人是傻瓜。只是有时候,我们选择装傻来感受那一点点叫做幸福的东西。Jimmy was a saint or a chump for all the things he did in trying to please his wife.
吉米做了种种事情让自己的妻子感到高兴,有的认为他是个道德高尚的人,有的认为他是个傻瓜。Then, the fool pointed to his head and said: "Ouch! There is something wrong with my head. "
接着,那傻瓜用手指着头说:“很痛,我的头伤了。”Remember that the word 'ass' in spoken English also means a fool and is a very mildly impolite word for the human rump.
请记住,ass在英语口语中除了“驴”外还有“傻瓜”的意思,也是对“臀部”的一种虽很委婉但仍不太礼貌的说法。She certainly was a fool, and would have a fool for her husband, and a very sulky discontented husband too if she had taken me.
她确实是一个傻瓜,她也只好找一个傻瓜做丈夫。如果她嫁给了我,我会成为一个怨气冲天,愁眉不展的丈夫。A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.
做母亲的要费二十年工夫才把孩子抚养成一个男子汉,到了另一个女人手上,只要二十分钟就可把他变成一个傻瓜。He began to hate himself for throwing away the chance Becky had offered for a reconciliation.
他开始憎恨自己,骂自己是个傻瓜,白白放弃了贝基给他言归于好的机会。It was a death wish, a fool's errand, and he had never courted death or been a fool.
这是一次死亡之旅,一次傻瓜差事,而他,从未被判死刑,也从来没有当过傻瓜。Any man is a dolt who permits a "secret" drawer to escape HIM in a search of this kind.