I'll never forget one lady, who looked to be in her seventies, sitting stoically in her lawn chair with her shotgun across her lap.
我永远不会忘记一位女士,看上去有70多岁,表情坦然地坐在她家的草坪座椅上,在坐着的大腿上横放着一枝猎枪。He took a ruler and laid it across the neck of the lidless pot.
他拿出一把尺,将尺横放在拿掉壶盖的壶颈上。and Hauser had brought an old spelling-book with gnawed edges, which he held wide-open on his knee, with his great spectacles askew.
奥泽尔老人还带了一本边角都已破损的旧识字课本,摊放在膝头上,课本上横放著他那副大眼镜。As a result of four long boxes can be placed lying or upright, there are many types of order, which can form a very complex game.
由于四个长方块可以横放也可以竖放,有许多种排列方法,因而可以形成非常复杂的棋局。A small blanket lay across the bottom of the cot.
折叠床的床尾横放着一条小毯子。First you put the string across the piece of ice. Then put some salt on the ice.
首先你把绳子横放在冰上,然后放些盐在冰上。the tank body, the cantilever beam and the bracket are integrated to a whole, so as to form a transverse U-shaped structure.
箱体、悬梁同支架为一体设置,构成了一个横放的“U”型结构。You should sit with your body is not too forward, don't take put your arms across ed on the table beside the guest to avoid a collision.
进餐时身体要坐正,不可过于向前倾斜,也不要把两臂横放在桌上,以免碰撞旁边的客人。Laundry pole with both hands placed across the shoulder, arm twisting around.