



    • A cloud of fine spray came up from the waterfall.


    • Feibao Artesian Bore Baths , Grand Buddha are sea of clouds.

      流泉飞瀑 、 云海佛光皆为大观.

    • There was aallowance of pretty waterfalls on the Teete Noir route.


    • Yang hanging hole, endlessly rising peaks, rocks everywhere and ancient trees, waterfalls Nagareizumi Zhixie bottom.

      悬阳洞外, 层峦叠嶂, 怪石林立,古木参天, 流泉飞瀑直泻谷底.

    • A waterfall so misty and splashing , ho , a pond so lucid and tranquil.

      飞瀑弥弥而蒙蒙兮澄潭滟滟而溶溶 ﹒.

    • A seven Tanshan Ming - hung, India - Seeing as the pool mirror, is a domain of multi - Jiao's painter.

      七潭山飞瀑鸣鸿, 印石潭水明澈如镜, 真是一幅江山多娇的画图.

    • As riptide flow down layerlayer and make waterfall thereby, It'seems tigers are roaring downward.

      山涧激流飞奔至此,层层跌落,绵延数十丈,形成飞瀑,轰然作响, 如虎啸狮吼气势宏壮.

    • Here Lin Tao sea of clouds, Cuifeng towers, trees dense grass Feng, ring spring waterfalls.

      这里林涛云海, 翠峰耸立, 树密草丰, 响泉飞瀑.

    • Feibao Artesian Bore Baths Calocedrus pines and then you back into the embrace of nature.
