
汉语拼音:dà bái tiān



  1. 大白日。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八八回:“你们真干的好事!大白天的把个房门关上,好看呢!” 沙汀 《记贺龙》十五:“因为自从进到 冀中 以后,我们便很少有大白天走路的机会了。”


    • It was still daylight but all the cars had their headlights on.


    • " Well, what's more dangerous than coming here in the daytime!

      “ 再说, 哪里还有比大白天来这儿更危险的事呢?

    • Lie to anyone else under the sun, but don't lie to me.

      大白天对其他人说谎可以, 对我说谎可不行.

    • Robbing openly in full daylight, this case really has a bad influence.

      大白天就明抢, 这起案件的影响可太恶劣了!

    • We expect to see bats in the evening, not in daylight.


    • Why would we want to eat dinner meal during day time?

      大白天吃什么晚餐 呀 ?

    • It's always the way with assassins, they hate the light of day.

      和刺客一样, 他们厌恶大白天的光亮.

    • The car was stolen in broad daylight.


    • They got into the palace in broad daylight, and made monkeys out of the security men.

      他们在大白天进了王宫, 作弄了那些保安人员.

    • May not idle about like this in broad daylight, must go to school studies.

      大白天的,不可这样游手好闲, 得上学念书.