汉语拼音:jì rén lí xià
《南史·张融传》:“丈夫当删诗、书,制礼乐,何至因循寄人篱下?” 原指写诗作文因袭他人。后转指在别人的势力庇护之下或依附别人过活。寄:依附。篱:篱笆。
- 【解释】:寄:依附。依附于他人篱笆下。比喻依附别人生活。
- 【出自】:《南史·张融传》:“丈夫当删诗书,制礼乐,何至因循寄人篱下?”
- 【示例】:鲁想到自己从前在山东省里的时候,虽靠姊夫的光当了文案,然而终是~。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第八回 - 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
She felt her exile deeply, and for the first time in her life, realized how much she was beloved and petted at home.
此刻她深深体会到寄人篱下的滋味,第一次认识到自己在家里是如何受到亲人的宠爱。In her better fortunes, as in her old days of dependence, wherever she went she seemed to take sunshine and gladness with her.
在她交好运的时期里,正如在她过去寄人篱下的日子里一样,不论她走到哪儿,她仿佛把阳光和欢乐也随身带去了。He was in such absolute dependence as to be without a farthing of his own.
但是他却是完全寄人篱下,所以自己连一个钱都没有。But from the age of six, her life has changed very greatly, parents have died, she was forced to sponsor.
但六岁后,她的生活发生了很大的变化,父母相继而亡,她被迫寄人篱下。Dawson's children in her old days of dependence, and she thought very little of a distance of three miles.
在过去寄人篱下的日子里,她习惯于带着道森家的孩子们在乡村里长途漫游,三英里的路程,她觉得是算不了什么的。Eg. He feels himself obliged from his dependent situation to give in to her schemes.
出于他那寄人篱下的地位,他不得不屈服于她的计划。Jane Eyre's childhood as orphaned, and "her father did not leave a money" , had to Jirenlixia, suffered insults and abuse.
简爱的童年因为父母双亡,且“父亲没有给她留下一个钱”,不得不寄人篱下,受尽侮辱与虐待。Riboud publicity with the original Ding subordinates are two of my colleagues have always been nice, to ju ren li xia .
张扬与吕布原都是丁原的部属,两人同僚,一向交好,得以寄人篱下。Miaoyu: also depend on others, a bit arrogant inferiority complex, claiming threshold outsiders.