"If you could reduce blood pressure by just a few points, you could reduce hundreds of thousands of deaths, " says Dr.
“如果你能仅靠几点就减低了血压,那你就能减少成千上万的死亡,”纽约市身心健康保健部委员托马斯。弗雷登博士说。Simply observing culture improves the physical health and mental wellbeing of men more than attempting to be creative, it is claimed.
据称,单纯的鉴赏文化比尝试变得有创造力更加有利于男性的身心健康。Some courses have no prerequisites, like "The Science of Happiness, " which focuses on college student mental health and wellness.
有一些课程是不需要任何基础的,像“幸福的学问”,这门课主要聚焦大学生的身心健康。"But as a species we need interaction with actual nature for our physical and psychological well-being, " he said.
他说:“但作为自然界的一大物种,我们需要接触真实的大自然,以保证我们的身心健康。”This may be for you to tune up physically or mentally, or for a family member or friend whom you will be helping.
这也许有助于你提升身心健康,或对你的家庭成员和朋友有帮助。Frequent occurrence of domestic violence families, the children's physical and mental health has serious implications.
经常发生家庭暴力的家庭,对孩子的身心健康有着严重的影响。He warned that this trendy lifestyle can damage students physiological and psychological development.
他提醒大家说,这种流行的生活方式会阻碍身心健康发展。But few appreciate the extent to which mental health and social health are the close companions of physical health.
但鲜有人知的是心理健康和社交健康是身心健康紧密相关的两部分。Male infertility is an important disorder which affects physical and mental health of men.