He's not the kind of person that would turn off his phone during the day, not even while he sleeps.
他不是那种大白天会关机的人,他甚至连睡觉都是开机的。The system even checks to see if it has been tampered with every time it starts.
该系统甚至会在每次开机时进行自检,以了解它是否被篡改。These few weeks of rest and relaxing have done me a great deal of good and has allowed me to reset my brain and allow me clear out my head.
这几个礼拜的休息与放松让我受益良多,让我可以清空我的脑袋,然后重新开机。Eventually, I found a button on the bottom, and it turned on for seconds then off.
我曾经是多么渴望这个玩意。插上电源后,找不到如何开机。最终在底部发现了一个开关,F, ready to work: carefully check equipment, wires, thermocouple, confirm equipment, reliable connect normal, and then after boot.
准备工作:认真检查设备、导线、热电偶等,确认设备正常,连接可靠后,方可开机。The tent that has been pitched at the ceremony place seems to flip over right now, but its said that this kind of wind is nothing in jeju.
在开机仪式的地方扎了好些帐篷,那些帐篷好像要被风吹倒了,不过据说这样的风势在济州岛根本不算什么。Booting from an existing operating system is often a convenient option; for some systems it is the only supported method of installation.
从一个已存在的作业系统上开机通常是一个方便的选择对于一些系统来说,这则是唯一支援的安装方法。If it still doesn't work when you turn it on, keep it in a warm place for a while and try again.
如果还是不行,那么在一个有点点热的地方放一会儿,再开机试试。After launch, the missile climbed to a high altitude, accelerated to Mach 1. 5, and started searching the front area with its radar seeker.