Drought wiped out much of Somalia's crops, and herds of camels and goats perished, or were forced out of low-rain regions.
干旱让绝大多数的索马里农作物绝收,骆驼群和山羊也养不活,或被逼离开少雨地区。Infected plants produce small, abnormal fruit. Finally, they stop producing completely.
染病的植物能结出小而畸形的果实,并且最后将完全绝收。Six months ago, the drought in the north-western provinces of Inner Mongolia and Liaoning caused widespread crop failure.
半年以前,内蒙古和辽宁西北的干旱导致大面积粮食绝收。The 2009 agricultural season failed and created widespread cereal deficits, placing many households in dire circumstances.
2009年的农业季出现了绝收,使得人们普遍面临谷物缺口,许多家庭因此而陷入困境。Drought that most early spring of crops in Yunnan Province, has brought great losses to the farmers.
旱灾令云南大部小春作物绝收,给农户带来极大损失。The water - 95 percent of our agriculture is rain-fed - which means in bad years you can harvest nothing.
95%的农田依靠雨水灌溉,这意味着在灾年会绝收。Agricultural crops when no how no one came to save drought?
农作物还没有绝收的时候怎么没人来救旱?Every year the paddy rice output always reduces because of drought. When the drought is serious, the output reduced more, even extremely.
每年均有因旱灾造成的水稻减产,大旱年份,减产更多,甚至绝收。Rice bacterial blight and Rice blast are the most important rice disease.