When Constantine died, his three sons shared the empire.
君士坦丁去世后, 他的三个儿子共同分享帝国.
His armies devastated and looted right down to the walls of Constantinople.
Constantine the Great knew no Greek and Justinian's accent was bad.
Belief of their own pagan, is the only non - Christians after Constantine emperor.
其本人信奉异教, 是君士坦丁之后唯一的 非 基督教徒帝王.
Theodosius I makes his adventus, or formal entry, into Constantinople.
380年,西奥多修斯一世降临, 或说正式地进入君士坦丁堡.
Thus, Constantinople was able to begin silk production, about 550 A.
Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey.
Constantine I is the eponym for constantinople.
Church decoration extravagance, display a number of Venice, from the Constantinople Crusaders looted booty.
教堂装饰极尽奢华之能事, 陈列了许多威尼斯的十字军从君士坦丁堡掠夺来的战利品.
Historical traces everywhere obviously: Constantine Mungu sports arena, four river eruptive fountains, Spanish steps and ladders.
历史遗迹处处可见: 君士坦丁门古竞技场, 四河喷泉 、 西班牙阶梯.
I, who have a seraglio at cairo atat Constantinople, preside at a wedding?
我在开罗士麦拿 、 君士坦丁堡都有藏娇的迷宫, 可是我为人主持过一次婚礼 吗 ?—.
John Constantine is forced to find answers when Half - Breed Demons begin attacking him unprovoked.
AD 364 : Council of Laodicea decrees death for Christians who keep 7 th day Sabbath!