汉语拼音:xún guī dǎo jǔ
- 【解释】:循、蹈:遵循,依照。规、矩是定方圆的标准工具,借指行为的准则。原指遵守规矩,不敢违反。现也指拘守旧准则,不敢稍做变动。
- 【出自】:宋·朱熹《答方宾王书》:“循涂守辙,犹言循规蹈矩云尔。”
- 【示例】:这唐僧~,同悟空、悟能、悟净,牵马挑担,径入山门。
◎明·吴承恩《西游记》第九十八回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
His mother has trained him to be a very proper young man.
他的母亲已经把他训练成了一个循规蹈矩的年轻人。But I spend a lot less time trying to comprehend my code than I would otherwise.
但循规蹈矩却可以让我花很少的时间就可以读懂我的代码。Elizabeth was fined for her first offence but she's learned her lesson and swears she's going to keep to the straight and narrow in future.
伊丽莎白第一次犯错误即被罚款,但她接受了教育,发誓以后要循规蹈矩。He wore a pair of round silver rimmed-glasses which gave him at first glance a studious or, at least, a methodical appearance.
他戴了一副银丝边圆眼镜,乍一看去似乎有一种勤奋好学的风度,起码也给人一种循规蹈矩之感。The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don't behave themselves.
孩子们将不能和我们一起去,如果他们不循规蹈矩。Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him.
虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。Such talks will no doubt result in a renewed series of concessions to North Korea in exchange for promises of good behaviour.
毫无疑问,这样的谈话将标志着韩国对朝鲜做出一系列新的退让,以换得朝鲜循规蹈矩的承诺。He is the sort of person you take for granted , a nice bore, so reasonable and honest, there is no need to be on your guard against him.
他是一个值得信任的人:一个循规蹈矩,枯燥乏味的男人;有理智,又很诚实,毫无提防的必要。Mozart is a contradiction in that he was more conservative and followed the "rules" much more than Haydn, yet his music is incomparable.