Place the light under, or above, so the light spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit like a movie screen.
将灯放置在上方或下方,灯光照在画上,光线四散开来,有一种散光效果,有一点像一幅电影屏幕。Night fell as we were walking, and the clouds, which had broken up in the afternoon, settled in and thickened.
我们走着走着,不知不觉夜幕降临了,午后四散了的云朵已积聚起来,停住不动了。But I had to make a little barrier, going around it, out of cellophane, to stop it moving.
我不得不用玻璃纸做一个小围栏,围住它们,防止它们四散。The silver stag burst from his wand and charged: The dementors scattered and there was a triumphant yell from somewhere out of sight.
银色的牡鹿从他的魔杖里奔出来往前冲去。摄魂怪四散逃开,从看不见的地方传来一声得意的叫嚷。The rate of spreading increased, and the birds "end up spreading all over space, " he said.
它们的分散速度增加,“最后会四散至整片天空。”On Sunday, he said, 'it was like a fire alarm went off and people ran in all directions. '
他周日表示,这就像火警响过之后人们四散奔命一样。The reasons for things do not proceed like an arrow, but rather spread to the side like a wind.
事物的推演不像箭那样直线行进,而是像风一样四散开来。to fill their bowls, licking off the congee slopped over the side, then scatter in the road or in the doorway, either squatting or standing.
她们一窝蜂地挤拢来,每人盛了一碗,就四散地蹲伏或者站立在路上和门口吃。spring is right , a little breeze past , trying to flee the grass smoked drunk.