The oppressors are so awful, the oppressed so innocent, that the desire to see justice done becomes an almost physical hunger.
压迫者如此可怕,被压迫者如此无辜,渴望看到正义被伸张,已经成了人们一种身体安慰的需求。It is said that, at the beginning of the crowd gathered outside the police station is just a peaceful demonstration, demanding justice.
据说,一开始聚集在警察局外的人群只是和平示威,要求伸张正义。The time of justice has now come, and I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back.
伸张正义的时刻已经到来,并且我可以告诉你们,我真诚相信,没有任何力量可以阻挡这一时刻的到来。"Democracy will avenge the death of my wife, and the thousands of other Pakistanis and citizens of the world, " he said.
他说:“民主会为我妻子的死,为成千上万其他巴基斯坦人和世界其他地方人们的丧生而伸张正义。”Over the weekend, hundreds of protesters rallied a few blocks from the Kremlin to call for justice in the Kashin case.
在上周末,数百名抗议者在距克林姆林宫几个街区远的地方举行了一场号召为卡申案伸张正义的游行。"I felt it was something of a feminist act, which is, in retrospect, ridiculous, " she says.
“那时我把自己搞婚外情看做是伸张女权主义的行为,回过头想想,简直太愚蠢了,”她说到。Equality has not been extended here and around the world, so we felt it was an important issue to take on.
在这一方面,平等并没有得到有效地伸张。所以我们认为这是一项重要的使命。You hear about giant squid and things like that, but some of these animals get up to be approximately 140, 160 feet long .
你一定听说过巨型章鱼之类的东西。但像这样的动物可以伸张到140到160英尺长。Dany followed his eyes, and there the shadow flew, with wings spread wide.