汉语拼音:rú huǒ rú tú
《国语·吴语》:“…望之如荼…望之如火。” 像火那样红,像荼那样白。原形容军容之盛。后用来形容气势旺盛或热烈。荼(tú):一种茅草的白花。
- 【解释】:荼:茅草的白花。像火那样红,像荼那样白。原比喻军容之盛。现用来形容大规模的行动气势旺盛,气氛热烈。
- 【出自】:《国语·吴语》:“万人以为方阵,皆白裳,白旗,素甲,白羽之缯,望之如荼。……左军亦如之,皆赤裳,赤𣄊,丹甲,朱羽之矰,望之如火。”
- 【示例】:过了两年“五四运动”发生了。报纸上的~的记载唤醒了他的被忘却了的青春。
◎巴金《家》六 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
Normally at this time of year spring planting would be in full swing, but the drought has made farming impossible in parts of the province.
通常在每年的这个时节,春耕正如火如荼,但是这场旱灾却使省内部分地区的农业生产无法正常进行。At the moment, Iran, with its radical ideology and burgeoning nuclear program, is one of Washington's biggest headaches.
众所周知,伊朗自始至终推行的极端主义思想体系以及其国内目前进行的如火如荼的核计划,让美国非常的头疼。He isn't running as an iconoclast on the right but as a return to soft-spoken moderation at a time of tea-party fervor.
在茶党运动开展得如火如荼之际,洪博培的参选并非作为右翼中的反传统派,而是回归到温文尔雅的中庸派。She was, for the occasion, a little too emphatic, perhaps, and yet more because of her burning vitality than of her costume.
她在当时也许过于显眼了些,可是这多半是由于她那如火如荼的生命力,而不是由于装束的关系。Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.
外面,抗日战争正打得如火如荼,但我却像娘胎里的婴儿那样安全。Bauhinia is Like. Bud, like a grain of rice, the sharp detail round. Soon, we will be able to see it Ilex Yan-hong, a passion in full swing.
紫荆正含苞。花苞像米粒一样,尖尖细细,团团簇簇。过不了多久,我们就能看到它满树嫣红、如火如荼的激情了。It was a time of super-easy credit, frenzied financial speculation, and blistering industrial expansion.
那时,银行贷款非常容易获得,金融投机之风已到了极其疯狂的程度,工业领域也在如火如荼地扩张。Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly.
不过,PalmPre开发竞赛正在全球各地如火如荼地进行,所以,我们不久将能在Palm平台上看到更多应用。In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches.