
汉语拼音:jīn shā jiāng



  1. 江水名。指 长江 上游自 青海省 玉树县 巴塘河 口至 四川省 宜宾市 的一段。以水中产金沙得名。

    明 宋应星 《天工开物·黄金》:“水金多者,出 云南 金沙江 (古名 丽水 ),此水源出 吐蕃 ,绕流 丽江府 ,至於 北胜州 ,回环五百餘里,出金者有数截。” 清 赵翼 《哭果毅阿公病殁于军》诗:“太息 金沙江 畔路,将星寒落浪花堆。” 刘伯承 《回顾长征》:“ 金沙江 穿行在 川 滇 边界的深山狭谷间,江面宽阔,水流湍急,形势非常险要。”亦省称“ 金沙 ”。 明 杨慎 《宿金沙江》诗:“江声月色那堪説,肠断 金沙 万里楼!” 毛泽东 《长征》诗:“ 金沙 水拍云崖暖, 大渡 桥横铁索寒。”


    • Jin Shajiang achieved cast tiger of copartner Zhu Xiao to say.


    • Buding Bridge, Jinsha water, the ecological Mountain Liang with beautiful landscape.

      创意说明:借用“大渡河 、 金沙江”的名气, 宣染凉山的秀美景色.

    • Lijiang: Tiger - Jumps Canyon , Jinsha Jiang River, Ancient City, Black Dragon Pool.

      丽江: 游览虎跳峡, 金沙江, 古城, 黑龙潭.

    • The mountain we had lunch on the ferry hastily rush, and from there through Jinsha River.

      山势大家吃过午饭,就匆匆赶去渡口, 从那里渡过金沙江.

    • The Jinsha River is a main sediment source of the upper Yangtze River.


    • The Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba hydroelectric stations are the key projects of developing the River hydropower resources.


    • The Yulong Jokul is 15 kilometers north to Lijiang Thefoot of the mountainthe Jinsha River.


    • As the largest tributary of Jinsha river , Yalong river is abundant in hydropower resources.

      雅砻江是金沙江的最大支流, 水力资源十分丰富.

    • Of course, I do not miss Jinsha River , which can be compared with sprint time.

      当然, 春天的金沙江也不想错过,金沙江这时候用柔美来比喻一点不过分.

    • Ground Floor , Unit 2, as well as the Jinsha River hydropower projects construction.


    • Ride west on Jinshajiang Rd from Jinshajiang Subway station . Continue 30 km until Anting New Town.
