
汉语拼音:zài jí



  1. 谓某种情况在最近期间就要发生。

    《儒林外史》第十六回:“现在考试在即,叫他报名来应考。”《清史稿·多尔衮传》:“兵行在即,可西可东。” 孙犁 《澹定集·同口旧事一》:“开学在即,希望刻日赴 保定 。”


    • Success is in sight.


    • With an election coming soon, your MP should be very responsive to your request.


    • Joe and Biddy were very sympathetic and pleasant when I spoke of our approaching separation.


    • The equilibrium equations determine the prices which will be established in given conditions.


    • In battle, light machine guns are soldiers'main weapon.

      大赛在即, 我们应该轻装上阵.

    • But now these dangers are over and the spaghetti harvest goes forward.


    • Prepare a pair of chocolate sport shoes in celebration of upcoming Olympics!


    • This project will soon be completed.


    • Jason: And becoming famous!

      詹森: 成名在即!

    • Join WTO, opportunity of Chinese nicotian job and challenge coexist, difficulty and development are in together.

      入关在即.加入WTO, 中国烟草业机遇与挑战并存, 困难与发展同在.

    • Our country enters WTO shortly, all bring good luck and challenge to all trades and professions.

      我国进入WTO在即, 给各行各业均带来机遇和挑战.

    • Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft launch soon, the whole world are casting their eyes on the Jiuquan.

      神舟七号载人飞船发射在即, 整个世界都把目光投向了酒泉.

    • Responsible for delivering projects to agreed upon deadlines, for their accuracy and completeness.

      负责在即定工作期限前提交相关工作, 保证其精确性和完整性.

    • Big hunter push on the way, will be in the build after next.

      猎人大改在即, 将于大下个版本与各位见面.

    • A school is failing; parents complain; something is eventually done.

      一所学校倒闭 在即,家长们 怨声载道,于是最终有人出面解决.