"I'm still staff colonel."— 'Is that a fact.'
You might ask him for advice on this matter.
Staff officers galloped fine horses down the road.
Michael went on. " Tom Hagen is no longer the Consigliere.
迈克尔接着又发言: “ 汤姆-黑根从今天起不再当参谋了.
That fits in with what the Consigliere says.
What could Colonel Lei be doing in Tientsin?
I have my doubts that he can make a good staff man.
My only scruple in advising the match was on his account.
Who is the best man to advise me on the question?
He was, he knew now, no fit Consigliere for a Family at war.
这时, 他深知他不配做战争时期的家族参谋.
The war drags on for another six months? But, Colonel Lei, that would be terrible!
再打上六个月 么 ?那还了得!雷参谋, 那就不了!
Before the colonel could reply, he turned quickly to Hsu Man - li and greeted her as warmly.
没等雷参谋回答, 他赶快又招呼着徐曼丽.
And the Irish Consigliere, Hagen, is not the man Genco Abbandando was, God rest his soul.
而爱尔兰籍参谋黑根, 论威望,也不能同劲科-阿班旦杜同日而语.愿上帝降福劲科的灵魂安息.
His staff had developed the attack plan through its final variations and details.
The stepchild position of G - 2 in our General Staff System was emphasized in many ways.