Distribution : The returning of letterpress type to the case after printing.
散字还盘: 活版字粒在印刷之后放回字盘位置的操作.
Stereotype ( Stereo ) : A duplicate relief plate for letterpress printing.
铅铸版: 活版印刷用的复制版.
A right - reading negative film is required for making letterpress printing plate.
Printing halftone effect than usually gentle, easy website are perfectly round.
印网版效果比活版柔和, 容易印得浑圆的网点.
Mount : The base on which a letterpress printing plate is fixed.
版托: 承托及固定活版版块的基片.
Sets up and operates platen and cylinder letterpress machines.
Letterpress: A typical form of relief printing.
活版: 典型的凸版印刷方法.
The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and printing as the main methods.
Height - to - paper : The standard height of type ( 23.317 mm ), blocks or other letterpress printing elements.
字高: 活字的标准高度 ( 23.4317毫米 ), 亦是活版印刷用的电版或其他类型版块的高度.
Dow etching: A powerless etching technique for letter - press plates invented by Dow Chemical Corporation.
陶氏腐法: 陶氏化学公司发明的一种无粉腐技巧. 用来制造活版印版.
The most commonly used letterpress duplicate plates are stereotypes , electrotypes, plastic plates and rubber plates.
活版最常用的复制版有铅铸版、电镀版 、 塑胶版和橡胶版.