
汉语拼音:diān chí

也叫昆明湖。湖名。位于云南昆明市南。是断层湖。面积约340平方千米。湖水经螳螂川入金沙江的支流普渡河。湖滨 平原农业发达。


  1. 又称 昆明湖 、 昆明池 、 滇南泽 。在 云南省 昆明市 西南。东西两岸,有 金马 、 碧鸡 两山夹峙。湖水在西南 海口 泄出称 螳螂川 ,为 金沙江 支流 普渡河 上源。

    《史记·西南夷列传》:“ 蹻 ( 庄蹻 )至 滇池 ,方三百里。” 张守节 正义引《括地志》:“ 滇池泽 在 昆州 晋寧县 西南三十里。其水源深广而(末)更浅狭,有似倒流,故谓 滇池 。” 晋 左思 《蜀都赋》:“殆而朅来相与,第如 滇池 ,集于 江洲 。” 唐 韩愈 《和虞部卢四酬翰林钱七赤藤杖歌》:“赤藤为杖世未窥, 臺郎 始携自 滇池 。”


    • The control on Dianchi Lake pollution reaps preliminary fruit.


    • South dianchi lake, three sides.

      南濒滇池, 三面环山.

    • The rules of nitrate accumulation in Dian lake drainage area in intensive cultivation are studied.


    • As synthetical factors, the inhabited population and invested capital are also under consideration by the author.

      人口总量和资金投入作为综合性因素, 本文也就滇池作了相关研究.

    • Innumerable mammoth historical living drama and cloud opportune moment shore of in the Yunnan pond.


    • The currents in Dianchi lake were simulated by a two - dimension numerical model on wind - driven current.


    • The Dianchi Lake is in serious eutrophication and the blue and algae are the dominant category.


    • Blue algae, green algae and diatom are dominant algaes in the Dian chi lake.

      蓝藻 、 绿藻和硅藻是滇池的优势藻种.

    • Seagull during the day in this together, to fly at night Dianchi Lake, etc. Fuxian Lake.

      白天海鸥汇集于此, 夜间飞往滇池 、 抚仙湖等处.

    • South of the City is the largest lake in the province, Lake Dian.

      全省最大的湖-滇池, 位处昆明市南面.

    • The Dianchi wetland has the importance and special environment function, containing the variety biomass.

      滇池湿地具有重要而又独特的环境功能, 蕴含著多样性的生物资源.

    • By estimate , scrubable weathered ores in the Dianchi Distriet occur in large quantities.

      经计算, 滇池地区赋存大量擦洗风化矿.