You look like a girdle of fairy's skirt flying in the wind, which makes people imagine your graceful and charming figure.
你似仙女飘动的裙带,在风中让人们遥想你婀娜多姿的身影。The game is introduced: Xishuangbanna beautiful, graceful Dai girl, is coming up to you stepping on beautiful Dai dance step leisurely.
游戏介绍:美丽的西双版纳,婀娜多姿的傣家姑娘,踏着优美的傣族舞步款款向你走来。Jiangan the dam, the Fengwei Zhu green all year round, the girls dress like Ju, the wind sway, Enuoduozi.
江岸的堤坝上,终年碧绿的凤尾竹,似少女的裙裾,随风摇曳,婀娜多姿。With the deepening of autumn, my family of orchids out of a blossoming Graceful flowers, fragrant aroma.
随着秋意的加深,我家的兰花开出了一朵朵婀娜多姿的花朵,芳香扑鼻。Learning from the traditional principles of the region, the opera houses form gives the appearance of stacked pebbles.
设计灵感来自于该地传统的原则,歌剧院的外形像一个个小鹅卵石婀娜多姿的堆积在一起。The poker collects 54 representative lady paintings, for readers to see, enjoy and take Graceful's ancient beauty.
本扑克收集了54张具有代表性的仕女画,供读者参阅、欣赏,一睹古代美女之婀娜多姿。On the sea bed at depths of up to 3, 000ft are vast coral reefs, forests of willowy feather-stars and russet-red sea urchins.
在深达近千米的海底,生长着大片绮丽的珊瑚礁、婀娜多姿的海星和黄褐色的海胆。Rain, finally over, lying on the sunny day, I liked to watch the sun Graceful, giving hope of survival.
雨,终于结束了,躺在阳光的日子里,我喜欢欣赏阳光的婀娜多姿,给人生存的希望。With its green lotus flowers, the formation of colorful, graceful style, by ancient literati as "Cuigai beauty. "